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                           Bible Prophecies       Daniel  7   (Translation by Google)


We can now consider the prophecy of Chapter 7 because Chapter 6 is not prophetic, but experience tells of the true faith on the part of Daniel, who is thrown into a pit with lions and survive happily for divine intercession. - Daniel receives a prophecy of night in his bed while dreaming. It is already known in the records of this type prophesy (see Numbers 12:6). The vision is parallel to the dream of Nebuchadnezzar cap. 2 and the four great beasts rising from the Mediterranean Sea (see translation of Jerusalem) are the four metals of the statue demolished by the mysterious stone. The profound eschatological meaning of this historic vision is indicated even more clearly by making it Apocalypse cap. 13th The beasts are in order of appearance, a lion, a bear, a leopard and a terrible beast not well defined.

  The first lion = Babylon. Metal = gold.

             2nd = A bear Medo-Persia. Metal = silver

             3rd = A leopard Greece. Metal = Bronze.

             4th A frightening beast but not defined = Roma nations and future 

              It will come  Metal = Iron and clay mixed togheter  

             Babylon is well described in Daniel 7:4, as a winged lion - in fact the modern archeology testifies that this was the symbol of that empire, winged lions were on the columns of all the gates of the city on all pedestals and front of the temple of the goddess deity Isthar veneratissima by Babylonians.

The Medo Persia is well represented dates from which it had three ribs in the mouth between the teeth, as she had made up what remained of the three people you have previously subjugated, namely Egypt, Greece and Babylon.

In turn we know the history that was Greece to happen to these first two, and is seen beautifully with four wings of a bird and four heads in a given domain. Who does not know how the death of the great leader Alexander the Great, known as Macedonian, which occurred on 13 June 323 a. C., his empire was the score between the four major generals.

Cassandro = took Macedonia.

Lisimaco = took Thrace

Seleucia = took  Syria 

Ptolemy = took Egypt.

The verse 7 and 8 of this chapter describe in detail a terrible beast and extraordinarily strong, but that does not resemble any animal of human knowledge. He had teeth of iron, with which it crushed and devoured, and was different from all the previous beasts with horns in the head 10. They attract a little horn, before whom three of the earlier horns were divelte, and this little horn had eyes like human eyes, and had a mouth that uttered great things. For coarse and superficial readers of the Scriptures, the 10 horns of the fourth beast shall be the successors of Alexander, and the little horn is Antiochus IV seems that persecuted the Jews, for a period of time and half a time, ie three years and a half, from 168 to 165.

Nothing could be further from the truth can be interpreted as limited in time and space, whereas the prophet continues his dream and continuing to watch him get in front of the OLD days of sitting on their thrones ready for judging by the front of the books that are open. What is more, get something close to a and is bringing all 'ANCIENT of days and to Him is given dominion and glory kingdom for an empire that will never end.

It is clearly understood that the fourth empire is not Rome. She succedes in the story to Greece, crushing all resistance, it provides an even more universal empire. Rome was to crucify the Messiah, to destroy Jerusalem in 70 AD and chase the Jews from Palestine, encouraging the diaspora. Her empire was long divided into two as the legs of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The western and eastern Roman empire. In his prophetic vision Daniel sees this fourth empire continue until the end of time, in the form of a confederation of ten heads. See 7:24. Since his rise within the Antichrist, the terrible persecutor of God's people, which will be annihilated at the coming of the Son of man victorious.

The Apocalypse takes an image of the monstrous beast and the ten horns which represents the Antichrist and his empire, with his cruelty, his revolt against God, his universal dominion, the confederation of ten dictators and (Apoc. 13 :14,21-27.) (17:12,17) His obvious relation with Rome. John expresses in these terms that, according to biblical prophecy, the fourth empire of Daniel still exist at the time of the "end". "The beast that you have seen that he was, and is not ... .. And those who dwell on earth .... expressing surprise seeing that the beast was, and is not, and will be again. Apoc.17: 8th What it has ceased to exist in the territory of the Roman Empire, is the head municipality. The Antichrist will be that officer, starting from this base, which will achieve the old dream of all the conquerors; impose adoration of all mankind.

Prophecy is often associated with subsequent sets to materialize when it appears in history as a principle of violence. For the apostles the little horn of the fourth animal, Dan.7: 24 and the king utters unspeakable things against God (11:36) belong to the future and should be even (2nd Tess.2: 4) (Apoc.13: 5 -6). Christ and the apostles saw in these prophecies of Daniel a revelation of the future. They have certainly fulfilled larger scale as it will carry out 'the wonderful prophecy of apoc.17: 8th

Moreover there is no state in the world or a world power whose origins are born with an extremely close connection between state and religion, and Rome owes its strength to its richness and glory to the papacy. I also recall that the symbol on the banners carried into battle by the Roman was a DRAGON.

What are these ten horns that come from a single animal and that arise from her not only physically but mainly affected the spiritual power that the beast exercises on them, are clearly so-called Christian nations, and that they come from areas where Roma empire in the past. They are: Italy, Belgium, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Luxembourg, Ireland, Spain and Portugal. 
Clearly we can also say that the ten horns are the whole of Christian nations, they are Catholic or Protestant, which resulted from the "wild beast" - Rome - who became Christian by 325 d. C. onwards has "so to speak, Christianized them."

To extend this concept (the reader will forgive me) I would go further in Revelation chapter 13 as we speak the same thing. John describes this wild beast with an addition of seven heads and ten horns above the diadems. Try to simplify everything to make it more clear. 


                                       The roman beast 

The Roman beast "was" first to be dominated by Babylon the Great and five of its seven heads are dropped when Babylon has begun to ride:

The first head is the Roman republic, and that 'up to 27 a. C., when Caesar Augustus founded the Roman Empire, (the rise of the papacy in 539 had fallen for some time).

The second head is the Roman Empire from 27 a. C. to 395 AD when Emperor Theodosius divided the Roman Empire Christian in two: the West and the East. The rise of the papacy in 539 had fallen long ago.

The third head is the Christian Roman Empire of the West, born in 395 and fell in 476. Roman I'Impero West fell in 476 to the barbarian invasions. The rise of the papacy in 539, this third head had fallen long ago. The ten "horns" of the beast are the peoples, before submission to Imperial Rome, which invaded and conquered the Roman Empire of the West. It was in fact fragmented into ten kingdoms:

1 Kingdom of the Vandals in Spain and Africa. 

2nd Kingdom of the Visigoths.

3rd Swabian Kingdom of Spain.

4th Alani Kingdom of France

5th Kingdom of Bergundi in France

6th Kingdom of the Franks in France

7th Kingdom of British Britannia

8th Kingdom of the Saxons in Britain

9th. Kingdom of the Huns.

10th Kingdom of the Lombards.
These barbarians peoples gave rise in time to the European Christian nations, crowned one after the other because governed by monarchies.

The fourth head is the kingdom of Odoacer (476-489), king of Heruli, it fell just before the 539th

La Quinta head is the kingdom of Italy the Ostrogoths (489-539). It fell in the 539th "Five are fallen" when Babylon riding the beast.

From 539 to 1799 the Roman beast "is not" As ceases to be autonomous, being subjected to the power of the papacy and ride from Babylon the Great (the Church of Rome), and then The papacy is the sixth head.

And 'what "is" when Babylon the great (the Church of Rome) Roman riding the beast. From 539 to 1799 the Roman beast was under the guidance of the papacy. Throughout the Western world (for "earth" refers to the Latin world) followed and continued to worship the great snake, that is to recognize the authority of the Emperor. Pavia in 568 fell into their hands and became the capital of their kingdom, which is already stretched over most of central-northern Italy. The Lombard conquests spread from there to the center and south of the peninsula, with the Queen Teodolinda and works of Pope Gregory the Great, king of the Franks, who nell'800 was crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. From 1789 to 1799, with the French Revolution, the Roman beast began to rise from the abyss which had been forced by the absolute power of the popes and the power of Babylon began to decline.

In 1799 Pope Pius VI died in France  prisoner of Napoleon Bonaparte. Since that is not Babylon the great rides over the beast. The Holy Roman Empire in the sixth head (the papacy) lasted one thousand years (800-1806), the false millennium of the Antichrist.


The seventh and last head is the kingdom of Italy (1861-1946.) "One" (a kingdom) is yet to come, and should take little time. " From (1861-1946). Since 1861 the Kingdom of Italy seized the goods of the Church of Rome. In 1870 the Rome removed.

  Finally, there is an eighth king, who comes from the seven previous ones. The nations of Europe no longer have a single head the government. They are joined to form the European Union, which is the final form of the Roman Empire.

Having understood this, what of the little horn that check by the ten horns, which is full of eyes of man, which seems more of the other horns and utters great things?

So far, describing the ten horns, as large kingdoms and empires, we have ridden the story of about two thousand years, sliding into the memory of each school and showing us how these empires had their service to millions of human beings in the ranks of their mighty armies, holders weapons of offense to prevaricate and to defeat the enemy in turn. There is imposed by a horn different vision: small and described in such detail. OTHERWISE IT IS NOT 'THE Papacy!

He is small because the military has never reached the levels of which comes from the horns!

Nevertheless appears greater, because the power he has acquired over the centuries weaving their interests with the secular arm.

Fisher in his Universal History, pag.262, wrote: In theory, this was the union between the world-state and the world-church, a community  not divided between the Emperor and the Pope, the head between the secular and the spiritual leader ordained by heaven. And since the Pope gave the anointing Kings as representatives of Christ, they are as a result, the real "leaders." 

'Full of human eyes. In Sacred Scripture, the eye of God is synonymous with vision and clairvoyance (see Psalm 11:4 - Jeremiah 16:17 - Prov. 15:3.) So if it is full of eyes of men, it means that is driven in human way, not very materialistic and spiritual.

As for the utter great things: we all know the arrogance of this diabolical institution which claims that a common man "born of woman" can be regarded as infallible, equipped to teach human dogmas utters as if directly from God by which usurped rights to the One who holds to the right (our only Savior, Jesus Christ the man), he has haunted and continues to persecute all those Christians who are opposed to his rule and doers who had lined up the side of him that was came to save the world and certainly not for dominating! This is described as "the ungodly" (2 ° Tess.2: 8) "man of sin" (2nd Tess.2: 3) The Mystery Dell'empietà 2nd Tess.2: 7) The Antichrist (1 John 2:18) "the son of perdition" (2 Thes. 2:3) "The abomination of desolation" (Dan.11: 31 - 12:11 - Matt. 24:15).

I hope that it was fairly clear, given the difficulty of the subject and if you have any questions in regard to what I will try to answer it.

CONTINUES 'with the prophecy CHAPTER 8 OF DANIEL .....